Urban space inventory in Lebanon. Situational, Structural Data and Alternative Sources
April 7th at 4 PM (Beirut time)
This seminar aims to understand the actual process of urban data production in Lebanon. It will stress slightly on the housing sector without underestimating, though, other urban sectors, like infrastructure and public services.
What type of urban data exists in Lebanon? Who are the main institutions generating it? How to cope with the lack of structural institutional public data? And, on the other hand, what are the limitations of the existing urban situational data? How to qualify the alternative open sources shaped overtime? Finally, and more generally, how to describe the existing political economy of urban data production in this country?
Ziad Abdallah, Administration centrale des statistiques
Abir Saksouk, Public Works Studio
Melda Salhab , Open Map Lebanon
Assaad Thebian, Gherbal Initiative
To join the webinar
Meeting ID: 949 4242 6855
Passcode: 5a2fAs