Book presentation: « Chronique de la revolution syrienne » and « Syria after the Uprisings » (29/09/2019)
The Ifpo and IFJ have the honor to invite you to a book presentation
Chronique de la revolution syrienne : des lieux et des hommes 2011-2015
قصّة مكان، قصّة إنسان، بداية الثورة السورية ٢٠١١-٢٠١٥
The story of a place the story of a people: The beginnings of the Syrian revolution 2011-2015
Speaker : Sana Yazigi (Creative Memory)
Ce livre est une invitation à explorer un pays qui, pris dans une spirale de violence inouïe, est fragmenté au point d’être devenu étranger à lui-même. Il présente, sous forme documentaire, cinquante villes, villages, communes, banlieues et quartiers syriens qui se sont révoltés en 2011. Ces Chroniques reviennent sur le début du mouvement de révolte, ses vecteurs de mobilisation et ses dynamiques internes. Elles témoignent que le soulèvement initié en mars 2011 a généré une importante créativité et un monde d’initiatives et de projets sociétaux.
Syria after the Uprisings: The Political Economy of State Resilience
Speaker : Joseph Daher (European University Institute)
Syria has been at the centre of world news since 2011, following the beginnings of a popular uprising in the country and its subsequent violent repression. Eight years on, Joseph Daher analyses the resilience of the regime and the failings of the uprising, while also taking a closer look at the counter-revolutionary processes that have been undermining the uprising from without and within.
Through a sharp reconstruction of the key historical developments, Daher focuses on the reasons behind the transition of a peaceful uprising into a destructive war with multiple regional and international actors. He argues that other approaches have so far neglected a global analysis of the conflict’s economic, social and political characteristics. He also shows that it is impossible to understand the Syrian uprising without a historical perspective dating back to the seizure of power by Hafez al-Assad in 1970. A result of years of research and discussions with activists, students, members of political parties and Syrian academics, this book will be the go-to analysis of Syria for years to come.
Date and time
29th September 2019, 6:30 – 7:30 pm
French Institute of Jordan (IFJ, Jabal Al-Weibdeh, Amman)
Contact & information
Registration is mandaory (limited seats) at