Fifth Heritage & Archaeology Diwan
You are warmly invited to participate in the Fifth Heritage & Archaeology Diwan. Jointly organized by Ifpo and the University of Jordan, the Diwanis a round table event designed to increase awarness of research on archaeology and heritageofJordan. The Diwan is kindly supported by ACOR, CBRL and GPIA
Sunday, June 20, 2021, at University of Jordan, Schoolof Archaeology and Tourism as well as online
10:00-10:05 (CET)/11:00-11:05 (Amman time) Welcome Address by Dr. Nada al-Rawabdeh, Dean of the School of Archaeology and Tourism
10:05-10:10 (CET)/11:05-11:10 (Amman time) Introduction by Dr. Julie Bonnéric (Ifpo), Dr. Fouad Hourani (UJ)and Dr. Oliver Pilz (UJ)
Session 1: Archaeological Research
10:10-10:20 (CET)/11:10-11:20 (Amman time) Dr.Stefan L. Smith (University of Gent, Belgium)-Investigating the “Black Desert” (Harra)Using Modern Tech-nologies –Experiences from the “Western Harra Survey”-10’Q&A
10:30-10:40 (CET)/11:30-11:40 (Amman time) Giacomo Ponticelli(University of Florence, Italy)-Framing the Rural Landscapes of Shawbak in the Middle and Late Islamic Periods: First Results-10’Q&A
Session 2: Material Culture
10:50-11:00 (CET)/11:50-12:00 (Amman time) Gaia Cecconi (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)-The Language of Signs: A Reevaluation of Potter’s Marks in the Early Bronze Age I-III Jordan-10’Q&A
11:10-11:2O (CET)/12:10-12:20 (Amman time) Flora Muntrez (École pratique des hautes études,Paris,FranceandIfpo, Amman)-Identity and Territory: To Situate within the Contemporary Christian World. The Topographical Representations in the Christian Pavement Mosaics of the Arabia province (IVth-VIIIthCentury)-10’Q&A
11:30-11:40 (CET)/12:30-12:40 (Amman time) Qais Qudah (University of Jordan)- ملاحظات حول العناصر المعمارية الزخرفية في النقوش والآثار الاسلامية – with 10’Q&A
Coffee Break
Session 3: Site Valorization
12:20-12:30 (CET)/1:20-1:30 (Amman time) Razan Tuama (German Jordanian University)-The Ammonite Citadel Park Project:Involving Cultural, Historical and Social Surrounding-10’Q&A
12:40-12:50 (CET)/1:40-1:50 (Amman time) Huda Hakme (Al-Ahliyya Amman University)-Archeological Rihab Project:New Tourist Trail-10’Q&A
1:00-1:10 (CET)/2:00-2:10 (Amman time) Shaden Habaibeh (Al-Ahliyya Amman University)-Reviving the Hejaz Railway/Amman Train Station:Adaptive Reuse -10’Q&A
1:20-1:30 (CET)/2:20-2:30 (Amman time) Wajd Al Nawafleh (Petra Archaeological Park)-عمال الحفاظ في السيق – البتراء – with 10’Q&A
1:40-1:50 (CET)/2:40-2:50 (Amman time) YoussefHilo (Arab OpenUniversity)-The Role of Tourguides in Protecting and Safeguarding our Cultural Heritage-10’Q&A
2:00-2:05 (CET)/3:00-3:05 (Amman time) Concluding Remarks by Dr. Julie Bonnéric (Ifpo),Dr. Fouad Hourani (UJ) and Dr. Oliver Pilz (UJ)