« Green architecture: greenwashing or reconciliation of Man with his environment? » (13/02/2020)
L’Institut français du Proche-Orient المعهد الفرنسي للشرق الأدنى et le département d’urbanisme de l’Université libanaise (UL), en collaboration avec l’association libanaise des urbanistes (Ordre des ingénieurs et des architectes), sont heureux de vous inviter à la deuxième conférence de leur cycle commun intitulé :
« La nature est-elle un acteur politique ? »
The French Institute for the Near East (Ifpo) and the department of urban planning of the Lebanese university, in collaboration with the Lebanese Urban Planners Association (Order of the engineers and the architects), are pleased to invite you to the second talk of their lecture series titled:
“Is Nature a Political Actor ?”
It will be dedicated to the relation between city and nature at the microlevel of the building, with a glance on
Green architecture.
Architecture is beginning to realize that the way it has built, for almost one century now, is not sustainable. Architecture is no more considered as the building of civilization, but as the destruction of ecosystems of life, public spaces and social structures.
This crisis calls for a rethinking of architecture in order to provide constructions more integrated to their natural environments, sensitive to local climates and less consuming in terms of energy and materials.
But is green building more than greenwashing? Can building construction cease to signify the destruction of ecological and social systems?
Indeed, green building faces the risk of being just an excuse to destroy the past and construct more buildings while renovation may be the best way to be sustainable.
So, how to create or renovate buildings in a sustainable way on the ecological, economic and social levels? Can architecture learn the lesson of permaculture and create a circular architecture?
This conference aims at presenting the above-mentioned crisis of architecture, the main concepts of green building and to discuss the underlying political and educational issues within and beyond the architectural profession.
Conference in english
Shady Attia – professor of sustainable architecture (Liege University): “Road Map and Principles for Built Environment Sustainability”
Aram Yereztian – assistant professor of architecture (AUB): “Blue skies – Planning for architecture in Beirut”
Christina Abi Haidar – attorney (Lawfirm): “Toward a legal framework for sustainable building”
Rouba Farah – PhD candidate (HESAM): “The barriers to green architecture entrepreneurship in Lebanon”
Jihad Farah (Université libanaise)
Guillaume de Vaulx (Ifpo)
Firas Mortada (Lebanese Urban Planners Association)
Date et horaire
Jeudi 13 février – 17h
Thursday 13th of Februar – 5pm
A l’Ordre des Ingénieurs et des architectes (Cola)
At the Order of the Engineers and Architects (Cola)
Pour tous renseignements
Pour plus d’information, consulter https://libecolo.hypotheses.org/
Agenda général des événements :https://www.ifporient.org/category/evenements/
Publications : https://www.ifporient.org/publications